When the Terminal Server MP is loaded for monitoring Windows 2008 based terminal servers the Alert ‘Communication with TS Session Broker’ might pop-up. The Alert Description is as follows:
Event ID: 1014 -- Description: The server failed to retrieve the security identifier (SID) of the TS Session Broker server. Win32 error code: 0x534.
After some searching the cause seemed to be that the FQDN was used for the TS Session Broker name in the GPO, assigned to all W2K08 based terminal servers.
After changing this FQDN to the HOST name all was well again and the Alerts didn’t come back.
Special thanks to the owners of the blog Adventures of an IT Pro, article about this issue to be found here.
Thank you Marnix for referring to our blog and I am happy to hear that our post helped you.
Thank you!!! This has fixed our setup as well. We were having all users connecting to one terminal server. Now that I have updated the group policy to use just the netbios servername and not to use the FQDN users are spreading over the 2 terminal servers we have and so far having had the error logged in the event log of the terminal servers