Monday, November 9, 2009

Tech-Ed Berlin 2009: Day 1, Monday 9th of November

Today Tech-Ed started. First my colleagues and me had to get our badges which took a bit longer than anticipated. But then again, we weren’t the only ones:

Finally I got to the session where I would meet up with Pete Zerger and Rory McCaw in person. They were the speakers during this session:

It was a good session. They gave much good advise about using PKI, the differences per Server OS when using Standalone or Enterprise CA’s. Also the deployment of Agents to *NIX systems was covered and how to go about it when certain issues arise.

At the end of the session I met Alexandre Verkinderen as well. The OpsMgr MVP from Belgium. It was good to meet all these ‘Brothers in OpsMgr’. I have had contact with some of them on multiple occasions, but now we finally met in person! Since it was time for lunch we headed for the buffet and got ourselves something to eat:
From left to right: Matthijs Vreeken, a colleague with a solid knowledge and experience on DPM (also runs a blog about it), Alexandre Verkinderen, OpsMgr MVP from Belgium and founder of SCUG Belgium, Rory McCaw, OpsMgr MVP from Canada and Principal Consultant of the Infront Consulting Group,  and last but not least, Pete Zerger, OpsMgr MVP from the US, also Principal Consultant of the Infront Consulting Group, and one of the main founders of System Center Central.

After lunch it was time for a session about Windows Server 2008 R2 and the changes/improvements to AD. The speaker was John Craddock. He is a very good speaker. His session was spot on.  

After that it was time to join the queue waiting for the Key Note:

The queue was really really long. But finally we were allowed to enter the room. And with the end of the Key Note, day one came to an end as well. Time to enjoy the German Beer!


  1. Hey Marnix! Nice summaries. Very interesting reading.....And thx for the pics too. Here in Australia we do not get to see much of this sort of mega conference stuff.
    John Bradshaw

  2. Hi John.

    Thanks for your nice comment. I thought that Austrilia also had its Tech-Ed Conferences?

    Best regards,
    Marnix Wolf


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