Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MMS 2010: Keynote

At Microsoft Netherlands HQ we were invited to see (life!) the Keynote of MMS 2010.


With the usage of some cool techniques it looked like we were almost present in Vegas!

So we could see all the cool demo’s and were told about Dynamic IT, Bing, future Management Packs like Azure MP, a very nifty and SUPER cool version of SCVMM which not only deploys VMs for servers but applications (!) as well. Here the applications are separated from the underlying OS, thus giving much more flexibility to deployment. It gives the applications much more power: it makes them elastic in scaling capabilities and much more resilient  to failures.

Many new products were highlighted, like DPM 2010 (only RTM for some days now), SharePoint 2010, Visio 2010 and Visual Studio 2010. All of these products are – at some level – more or less integrated with the SC products.

And lets not forget System Center Service Manager which went RTM on the first day of MMS 2010 and of course Opalis! So there is MUCH going on and Microsoft is putting up the pace. Some nice things of Opalis were demonstrated and it was good to see how Opalis was integrated into the SCOM Console! So I wonder when that will go out to the public.

Besides all these new things Microsoft told much about their views upon IT also known as Dynamic IT. The SC products are the very fabric of that vision. And of course, the Cloud was also explained. The Cloud provisions basically ‘scaling capabilities of needed applications on shared hardware’.

Microsoft differentiates between two types of Clouds: the shared Cloud, like Azure and dedicated Clouds. These can be run by Microsoft, ASP’s or by the companies themselves. Mixtures of these models are also possible.

During the Keynote much was demonstrated. It shows what is about to come or is already here. All I can say is that all SC products are very up to date, ready for the future to come which will be (partially or completely) Cloud based. And the future products of SC will be that even more.

After the Keynote we enjoyed real American pizza with Dutch beer. It was a good evening. Thank you Robert (and peers) for organizing this.

The only thing which did not feel totally OK was the location: Schiphol of all places! (which is the national airport of the Netherlands). Sometimes we saw/heard planes taking off. Somehow it felt like being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But then again, it was a shared emotion. :).

An impression is to be found on YouTube (special thanks to Stefan Stranger):

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