Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tech-Ed Berlin 2010 – Day Zero

The day BEFORE it all starts.

We (four colleagues and me) went by train this time which was fun and relaxing. We enjoyed ourselves and arrived at 19:30 PM at Berlin Haubt Bahnhof (HB). Since the airfields do have such a locked down security it takes up just too much time and energy. For such small distances (just under 600 km’s) it is better to take the train. No such thing like security checks and the like.

For this evening a special dinner had been arranged with some MVPs and friends from Microsoft. So we met and had some good German beers and the German specialty: Wiener Schnitzel!

Nice it was. We had some good talks. Afterwards some of the group went out for (another) drink and others went to their hotels in order to gain some energy for the days to come.

Tomorrow we will go to the Messe in Berlin where the event is located and check our selves in. Let the fun begin!


  1. Hi,
    because I'm from Austria and the "Wiener Schnitzel" is a Austrian speciality and not a German one - I have to leave a comment. :-)
    Happy TechEd - I'm also here
    Peter Forster | MVP Virtual Machine | Austria

  2. Hi MyFope.

    You are totally right. But none the less, a good schnitzel it was :).



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