Thursday, February 24, 2011

Updated MP: DNS 2003/2008/2008 R2 Monitoring

Yesterday Microsoft shipped the updated DNS MP, version 6.0.7000.0.

The changes in this MP are significant. Taken directly from the website:

Kevin Holman has written a posting about this MP which highlights some of the details. MP to be found here.

Since this MP contains major updates and changes as well, I personally advise to export and delete the MP containing the overrides for the DNS MP which is currently loaded in your environment, before importing the newest DNS MP. This way you start blank and use the newest MP to its fullest extend. Otherwise some overrides which have been set for the older DNS MP might interfere with the newest DNS MP.

1 comment:

  1. Look at the date
    <<<2/22/2010>>> - Updated release, version 6.0.7000.0. Added Windows Server 2008 R2 DNS server support
    They got the year wrong ;)


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