New issue
Recently I bumped into an issue where some Subscriptions didn’t work. Out of six subscriptions, 3 didn’t send out anything while they were using the same Notification Channel and Subscribers. So something else was at play here, with the Subscriptions themselves.
Time to investigate
When I ran a comparison I found out that the functional Subscriptions were targeted against Groups (among other Criteria) and the non-functional ones targeted against an instance with a specific name (raised by an instance with a specific name). And for two of those Subscriptions, many servers were added to it.
Time for a test
I copied the server names, put them in a custom Group and retargeted the Subscriptions. Instead of using the Criteria ‘raised by an instance with a specific name’, I used the new Group. Saved the Changes and waited. Soon some Alerts were raised which related to the Subscriptions and within a minute the first Subscriptions were sent! Nice!
I changed the other Subscriptions as well to use Groups instead of the instance with a specific name, and all works just fine now. In order to get Alerts as well when the servers aren’t operational as well, I added per server the related Health Service Watcher (Agent) object as well.
So whenever using Subscriptions and some aren’t working, check out the Criteria. Sometimes the cause issues.
I've been having exactly the issue you are describing and I created a custom group using the Authoring -> Create a New Group wizard. Still, I am not getting email notifications when configuring subscriptions to monitor at the group level rather than targetting multiple specific targets. Any thoughts or suggestions?