Thursday, September 15, 2011

CU#5 Issue: Patched Agents still show CU#4 patches as well

Bumped into this situation: CU#5 was successfully installed on all SCOM related servers. The CU#5 patches were also deployed to the SCOM R2 Agents.

But many of the Agents in the View Monitoring > Operations Manager > Agent > Agents by Version still showed CU#4 alongside CU#5 as well. Even after a few days. So in that timeframe the Discovery Discover the list of patches installed on Agents must have run multiple times since it runs once per six hours. And this Discovery normally pipes the correct CU# level to SCOM.

Have seen similar behavior in CU#3 and CU#4. But was hoping to see it fixed in CU#5. Sadly, it isn’t. Even though I must add this is the first time I have seen this behavior with CU#5. Deployed it about six times already.

Time for some investigation and action. First I checked the Agent staging folders on all MS servers. And indeed, the contain the correct msp files, related to the CU#5 update for the Agents.

Secondly I checked the ‘problematic’ Agents. They all run the updated versions (6.1.7221.81)of the files contained within the msp files, 22 in total. Compared it twice with Agents which reported their versions correctly and couldn’t find anything different.

Now it was time to for some remedy actions.

I tried a restart of the Agent. But to no avail. The SCOM Agent still listed CU#4 as well, even after a few hours.

I repaired the Agent. To no avail as well. Same results.

Then I stopped the Health Service and renamed the C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\Health Service State folder to C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\Health Service State_OLD and started the Health Service again on one of those ‘problematic’ Agents.

Within 24 hours the correct information was shown. Still I am puzzled since the earlier mentioned Discovery should kick off soon after the Health Service is started. So within an hour the information should have been correct.

Also I am bothered to remove the Health Service State folder since it might contain information which is queued so not present in the OpsMgr DBs at all.

But sometimes choices have to be made…


  1. As we can see at manual installation of the agent there are two patches.
    KB2495674-x86-Agent.msp – patch System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Cumulative Updates 5 (KB2495674)
    KB2495674-x86-ENU-Agent.msp (localized) - patch System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Cumulative Updates (KB2495674) – ENU Components.

    If There are some agents in scom console with CU4 presented just try to apply patch required, and correct and complete patchlist information will appear. No need to reinstall agent and so on.

  2. Hi Alex.

    Thanks for your comments. However, this happend to pushed Agents so it's not good to apply the msp files manually. Also the msp files were in place, all related files were of the correct level. So this was the only way to go
    about it.


  3. i'm having this issue with going from cu4 to cu7. This is with manual installations. I'm having this on all my agents, so it's difficult to say if this is a problem.

    However, the script checking the patch list just queries the installer information, so it only seems to be a "cosmetic" error.

    The healthstate flush doesn't help in my case.

  4. Hello,

    Please could you confirm the Management Servers are excluded from this view, isn't it?


  5. Hi Dom.

    Yes, the MS servers are excluded from this View.



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