Thursday, October 13, 2011

He’s Back!

A few years ago when I started with SCOM I bumped into many issues. Not only because I started out fresh but also SCOM was just RTM. And as we all know, there were a few ‘bumps’ in that road. Many of those got rapidly fixed.

But still, I was hungry for more knowledge and detailed information on SCOM and how to address certain issues. So I started to look on the internet for more information and found it in a few blogs about there. Those days there weren’t many blogs out there, but the few which were to be found were really good, like the ones from Pete Zerger, David Allen, Kevin Holman and Cameron Fuller.

Soon I started to mail those guys and you know what, I got answers from them! Wow! And then I started to grow and learn as well. Really fast, thanks to these guys who shared really good information. They inspired me to start a blog of my own.

To me these guys are really special. So when Cameron Fuller told some time ago he was about to stop his own blog and to continue blogging on SCC, it made me a bit sad. Don’t get me wrong. I deeply respect SCC, but people like Cameron need their own space as well.

So it’s good to see he’s back. He’s still blogging for SCC, but this guy doesn’t suffer a writer block, more like suffering from an overkill of inspiration :). Therefore he started to blog on a very regular basis on the site of the company he works for, Catapult Systems. Hopefully they have rented enough disk space and traffic bandwidth for their website since Cameron knows how to blog seriously :).

Want to know more? Go here:
(Even though he might look a bit dangerous on the picture, he’s really an OK guy.)


  1. Marnix Wolf your blog also good. Keep Writing. It helps us to grow as a OpsMgr Community. You also inspired me and I am also planning to write my blogs.

  2. Thank you Donald for your nice words. Much appreciated. When you start blogging, contact me, since I can give you some good advices.


  3. I have just started my first blog.

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  4. I am big fan of you Marnix, u always an outstanding by all aspects, suggestion with eg....

  5. I am big fan of you Marnix, u always an outstanding by all aspects.Technically as well the way your blog is presented.


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