Wednesday, October 5, 2011

OM12 Language Settings Are Solved! The true power of the Community, Connect & Microsoft

In the beginning of September I posted an article about some strange language issues, found in OM12 Beta.

I already knew it before since other people bumped into the same issue as well, blogged about it and even filed a bug report on Connect. But somehow the bug report didn’t seem to land properly – the impact wasn’t fully understood – so it was closed without a fix.

So it was time to organize a new effort. A new bug report was filed on Connect and it was given exposure on my blog. And people started to vote on it, so it was brought again to the attention of Microsoft.

Because of this two things happened:

  1. The first bug report was reopened and Microsoft told frankly they didn’t understand the impact at first;
  2. A new effort at Microsoft was organized to FIX it!

And a few days I got the message the bug report was closed, simply because Microsoft FIXED it!!!

The yellow highlighted area is in Dutch so I translate it: Solved as in Repaired.

So THANK YOU Community and THANK YOU Microsoft for taking reported matters seriously.

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