Monday, November 14, 2011

McAfee 8.8 and SCOM/OM: Not a happy marriage…

11-15-2011 Update
Yesterday evening McAfee released Patch 1 for McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8:
- McAfee Downloads site -
- ServicePortal -

11-14-2011 Update:
Got this from a McAfee expert: This issues only occurs when you have VSE8.8 installed AND disabled scriptscan. When that component is enabled, the issue mentioned in this posting won’t occur. McAfee also published a workaround for it, to be found here:,

Got this one from a respected colleague of mine:

McAfee 8.8 and SCOM/OM don’t mix well together. It turns out that almost ALL Discovery scripts run by the SCOM/OM12 Agent are blocked, even when you exclude the SCOM/OM Agent folders from scanning.

Because of that you will see screens like this in your OM12 RC environment:

However, in your SCOM environment you’ll see the same issue!

This issue will be solved with the release of Patch 1 which is available from today (11-15-2011). Or perhaps time to migrate to Microsoft Forefront :).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marnix,

    I had this problem a while back on a few customer sites and blogged a solution to it:

    I agree about the Forefront though :)


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