Friday, January 20, 2012

New Tools > New Skills > New Certifications > Same Trade

I know that many of us may get tired of the effort keeping up with all the developments. However, as I see it, it’s part of our trade. When one doesn’t learn anymore in the ICT it means no growth. No growth means – sooner or later – no job. Which isn’t fun at all. Also because the younger generation is coming and fast. So in order to differentiate, every single person taking his/her job and responsibilities seriously, should learn new skills and in order to show one masters those new skills, get certified as well. That way one doesn’t become just another ICT employer but gets some name and fame as well.

I know the days where even people delivering pizza’s (don’t get me wrong here, I have nothing against people delivering pizza’s) could easily become MCSE for Windows NT 4 without ever having touched any Windows NT4 server…. We named it certification deflation. Gladly those days are over and nowadays Microsoft Certification really means something. Of course, other skills are required as well. But when one works on it and keep his/her certification in good shape, the more changes one has to get that job one really likes and aims at.

With the launch of the System Center 2012 campaign Microsoft covers every single angle of it. Not only marketing, but also training AND last but not least, CERTIFICATION:


All you want (and IMO NEED) to know, is to be found here.The sooner you familiarize yourself with it the better since a lot is going to change.

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