Friday, March 15, 2013

Wiki: Microsoft Management Packs

Update 03-21-2013: A reader of my blog pointed it out to me: I forgot to add the link to the Wiki! That’s a bummer, but I corrected it. A big word of thanks to Thomas IV Smile.

Some days ago Daniel Savage, a Microsoft PM, started a new Wiki, all about the Microsoft Management Packs.

This Wiki contains links to all the released MPs with their version number and release date. So there is a one-stop-shop where you can find all the MPs made by Microsoft.

On top of it, this same Wiki also shows which MPs are ‘in the pipeline’ and to be expected. Also whether the MP is a total new one or an iteration to an existing MP.

I am happy to see this initiative. Wiki to be found here.


  1. I may have been blind and missed the link to the wiki so I tracked it down...

  2. Hi Thomas IV.

    Yes, that's right. I am sorry and thanks for pointing it out to me. I corrected the blog posting.



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