Monday, September 16, 2013

Rumor Or Fact? The Demise Of MMS… :(

Got this one from the blog of a former colleague of mine, Henk Hoogendoorn. He runs a blog all about SCCM. As such he’s one the regular MMS visitors. He hasn’t skipped many MMS events.

He simply loves those events for many reasons. Of course, you learn a lot but one of the best things of events like MMS is NETWORKING. Meeting new people all with the same interest. Sharing knowledge, experience and tales from the trenches without all the marketing mumbo jumbo. Just the real stuff, uncut and raw.

This is for me the very same reason I LOVE MMS as well. And guess who I bumped into this year’s MMS? Exactly, Henk! We live in the same country but when I started at another company we didn’t see each other anymore. Not on purpose though. Yet at MMS in Vegas, 1000’s of miles away from our homes, we bumped into each other.

This illustrates for me the true power of MMS.

And now it seems MMS 2013 was the LAST one ever! So personally I REALLY hope this is just a rumor. 

Want to know more about it? Here are some sources of information about this topic:

  1. Henk’s posting about the possible demise of MMS;
  2. Looks like MMS 2014 is scheduled none the less;
  3. The Next Gen of MMS?;
  4. MMS 2014 Teaser.

As you can see, there isn’t anything solid yet. Nor about the official GO for MMS 2014 from Microsoft, nor a statement about discontinuing MMS.


  1. This should explain it:

  2. "We are excited to announce that in 2014, we are bringing together the best of TechEd and MMS at TechEd North America in Houston, TX."


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