Wednesday, March 11, 2015

AOI: New IP: Active Directory (AD) Assessment

For a couple of weeks now the Active Directory Assessment Intelligence Pack (IP) for Azure Operational Insights is available.


This MP scans on a WEEKLY basis the risk and health of your AD environments, whether on-prem, in the cloud or hybrid. It will present the information a monthly rollup. On top of it all, it will create a report with a prioritized list of recommendations, so you know exactly what issues need to be addressed first.

Since every AD environment differs from the other ones, the recommendations are categorized across different focus areas, allowing you to choose what’s more important for your organization.

IP and IP?
Yeah, this is kind of fun. Because in this case IP doesn’t only stand for Intelligence Pack but also for Intellectual Property when you ask me.

Why? Because the recommendations found in this IP are based on the knowlegde and experiences by the Microsoft Customer Support Services Engineers, all around the globe. So all the cases they’ve worked on, all the issues they bumped into, all the fixes they applied and all the recommendations they’ve given, is poured into this IP.

So when that ain’t IP and IP, I don’t know Smile.

My own test lab is running now and being assessed by the AD IP as well. As soon as I get some results, I’ll let you know.

When you want to know more about this latest IP, read this posting written by one of the program managers of AOI and – even better – sign up for the free trial and experience it yourself.

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