Monday, December 28, 2015

Cross Post: ‘How to discover a Windows Computer as a Network Device in SCOM 2012’

Kevin Holman has written an excellent posting about how to modify SCOM 2012x in such a manner that Windows Computers are treated as network devices. In SCOM 2007x this was a ‘no-brainer’ but in SCOM 2012x impossible.

When following Kevin’s posting, SCOM 2012x will be able to discover Windows Computers as network devices.

HOWEVER, be warned in advance as Kevin states in the same posting:
‘…Technically – making this change isn't tested by the product group, and therefore isn't supported.  I am not aware of any issues caused by this, and since we fully allow SNMP monitoring of Linux devices, it makes perfect sense to work with Windows SNMP devices as well…’

Go here for the posting.

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