Friday, May 8, 2009

'Script or executable failed to run' - Part 4

In reference to an earlier posting about possible issues with the most recent DNS MP, found here, there might be another cause and - more important - a solution for it.

Run from the command-prompt on the server experiencing these issues these commands:

Command 1: CD %windir%\system32\wbem
Command 2: mofcomp dnsprov.mof

Restart afterwards the related services:
- Operations Manager Health Service

A customer of mine came with this solution and until now all looks well.


  1. a number of WMI errors that exhibit as a result of the queries issued by the DNS MP (those queries to the Microsft_DNS classes...) are fixed by this WMI fix can find more track of this here )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i get this same problem, marnix+daniele.

    i've rolled 933061 and found that it's helped out on the machines in question. it was a small number though. the rest go tonight... we'll see!

  4. Hi Daniella.

    Thanks for your comment.

    In an earlier blogposting ( I also mentioned this KB article.

    However, sometimes eventhough this KB has been applied, the problem still keeps coming back.


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