So a good friend of mine, Bob Cornelissen and I started a joined effort in order to get them fixed, ASAP. For that we filed a bug on Connect and you, the community, joined in:
Gladly, Microsoft listened and one of them, Barry Shilmover, fixed many issues of the MP with the aid of Kevin Holman. I for myself can’t imagine a better team! Bob and I had the honor to test the fixed MP.
Kevin Holman also blogged about this new MP and what’s new. Taken directly from his blog:
New MP is to be downloaded from here.
Compliments to the Product Team for their fast response. Good job!
remiasNice MP! Only to bad that the reports don't work on SQL2005. Since SQL2005 is the minimum required SQL version for SCOM I think the reports should be made available for 2005 as well.