Wow! This is just AWESOME!
Silect Software & Infront Consulting Group are partnering in order to provide a FREE virtual MP University on August 12th, all about MP authoring!
And not just that, but it will be presented by the SCOM Top Dogs Kevin Holman and Brian Wren. And they will be accompanied by Silect Software and Infront Consulting experts as well.
This means there will a WHOLE LOT of brain power & experience on MP Authoring during that session, so the title University is well deserved here.
And there is even MORE…Taken directly from the web site: ‘…
There will be a draw for a FREE LICENSE of Silect MP Studio and a training voucher for the 4 day Infront MP Authoring Course at the end of the MP University…’
Yes. Like all REALLY good things in life, it’s limited. In this case the registration is capped to 100 people. So be FAST and register.
No shows
& session ethics
Yes. It happens. One registers him/herself for an event in order to attend. But at the end for all kinds of reasons, it ends up in a ‘no-show’.
When you register and can’t attend for whatever reason, just be so polite to unregister your self so your slot can be used by some one else.
This kind of ethics will be highly appreciated by the people who organize it all. More over for an event like this which is unique and capped to 100 people.
Where do I register myself?
Just go here.
A BIG word of thanks for Silect Software & Infront Consulting Group, Kevin Holman, Brian Wren and the experts of both companies for organizing this University.